
Archive for July, 2011

The Execution Factor is the It Element

I have begun to work on my next book, The Execution Factor, and as I am slapped daily by media, I am coming to realize that what I plan to include on the pages of this book are reminders that we all need. As I reflect on my own personal and professional struggles, I now clearly understand that no matter how many strategic visioning sessions one might attend, no matter how many strategic action plans an individual or organization might write, after the dust has settled, at the conclusion of countless teambuilding and motivational seminars, in the end the achievement of desired outcomes is the ability to execute, to resiliently execute, to persistently execute, to responsively execute.

Witnessing the demise of Borders Books and Music Stores illustrates what happens when leaders refuse to acknowledge and respond to change…..change is channeling .harnessing, alternate, notions, guiding, execution. News reports suggest that a failure to shift in response to a changing marketplace led to closure of over 200 stores and more than 10,000 people being laid out.  Change is difficult for most of us to accept, and change is inevitable; but our response to it is not always proactive.

The Borders saga is a teachable moment for us all. The winds of change are blowing, so we all have to embrace the art of reinvention and enhance our ability to execute. 


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World Council Opens with Brightness from Smiles and Costumes / News / Home – World Council 2011.

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As I have been sitting in session after session, first at the International Women’s Summit in Switzerland, and now the World YWCA Council meeting, I have been overwhelmed by the issues and challenges that some women and girls face in their communities.  In a room with over 1000 women, representing locales around the globe, at the conclusion of information sharing, left are the stark realities of the multi-dimensional fears and terrors that dominate the lives of far too many girls and women.

War, violence, the fear of rape, child marriages, access to health care and social services, gender biases dominant in the culture, elder abuse are coupled with the currently prevalent worldwide issues of povery, economic strife, HIV/AIDS, joblessness, educational underachievement, and hopelessness.  The stories of pain and suffering shared within the halls of the Kongresshaus Center here in Switzerland are certain to evoke caring and concern among even the most cold-hearted individuals, even the most ungrateful individual would take pause and in a split second come to realize how much they have to be thankful for after scanning the big picture of their life. 

In spite of all of this, I have met women from around the world, who are passionate about the practice of human development work, and who are intent on transforming both the lives of people, as well as the communities in which they live. My spirit has been warmed by the countless women who are keenly focused on deriving sustainable solutions, rather than belaboring dialogue about the magnitude of the problems.

The foundation to both personal and organizational excellence is linked to leadership, and I believe that in growing numbers, divinely women are being prepared to serve as catalyst for transformative community change that will uplift girls, boys, men, families, community.

Today, July 15th, in the face of such societal strife, as I write this at 6:30 am Switzerland time, I ask for divine wisdom as I prepare to faciliate a skill building session based upon my book, Follow Her Lead: Leadership Lessons For Women As They Journey From the Backroom to the Boardroom.

I ask the Creator to order my steps and use me as He always does to provide tools that can further equip these community builders, I ask that the Creator guides my speech so that I uplift these women so that they can return home in a few days and sow even more powerful seeds of visionary change.

By harnessing the divine brilliance within each of us, we CAN change the WORLD!!

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YWCA Women Gather in Zurich Switzerland

For the next eight days, I will call Room 1809 in the Swissotel in Zurich my home base. A six hour time difference from the US of A required daily adjustment.

 Women from around the world are making their way here to dialogue and derive solutions for issues that challenge our global society. Highlights for me will be the upcoming affiliation ceremonies for the YWCAs from the Virgin Islands and Haiti, clear indicators that women in the Caribbean are working to contribute to the health of vitality of their communities. The other highlight will be facilitating a learning circle based upon my book, Follor Her Lead; one of my books that was recently cited by two Echo Green Fellowship winners and Social Entrepreneurs as a must read.

It is amazing to see how in Paris and now Switzerland, the Starbucks and McDonalds brands are flourishing with long, long lines of people waiting to make a purchase. Humbling also is to encounter people who are not only bi-lingual…most speak four and five languages…..as we in America too often feel that the world revolves solely on the English language…techonological advancement gave birth to increasing globalization, so we must catch up or we are going to be left behind.

And for the dollar, it is worth but 75 cents in comparison to the Swiss Franc…….did not see many gas hungry SUVs roaming the streets in Paris, small cars RULE. In Zurich, public transportation is used 99% of the time. I was told this is in honor of the environment and because it saves everyone money…..

The International Women’s Summit kicks off tomorrow…what a tremendous opportunity I have been granted to SERVE…someone said to me, I hope this does not turn out to be a typical gathering of women, where egos and bickering hamper the creation of solutions and positive actions…while understanding her concern as I have witnessed that countless times myself, I replied, “When women commit to WALKING their own TRUTH and WORKING for GOOD, the possibilities for CHANGE become BOUNDLESS

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Euros Please..doing Paris

Dollars not accepted, in most locales, the local currency and the US dollar are welcome, not the case in Paris. Euros are REQUIRED, and when you mention the dollar, you get a look as though you just xeroxed the currency at the local copy center. I was rushing about and did not stop to exchange some currency, bad move. 

Otherwise, a simply fantastic day. 76 degrees, strolling the Champs Elysees, visiting the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre Dame, the Paris Opera House and mesmerizing museums..tasty delicacies……my Paris time is almost a wrap; time to get to Switzerland…..


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Just began my journey to Zurich Switzerland where the YWCA of the Virgin Islands will become a fully affiliated member of the World YWCA. The World YWCA is comprised of member Ys in over 120 countries, with a membership of over 25 million.  ..my first stop is Paris, touched down at 8:30 this morning after flying all night from Toronto Canada……a nap helped me to adjust to the six hour time difference…..the Eiffel Tower is just down the block, shops on every corner, and an energy in this city all its own. The YWCA delegation leaves the Virgin Islands on Friday, July 8th.

 Updates will be posted here, on facebook and of course tune into CARIBVOICERADIO.org

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